Saturday, September 20, 2008

Type Specimen Book: Draft #1

I felt inspired to do a French text
(thanks Pauline!) with both the original text and the English translation. I did end up leaving out the French translations for the large quotes which I'd prefer not to do; just wasn't sure exactly how to incorporate them.

I'm pretty happy with the first draft, but I'd say that the fourth spread (with the largest text "he is superior to his fate, he is stronger than his rock") is my least favorite but I'll keep playing with it.

Thanks for taking a peek, I look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Craig said...

Erika, these are really wonderful. I love the use of color on each page. The use of ligatures and punctuation marks for the display type is great. I especially like the two lower case i's. Very good. Can't wait to see the printed versions.

Dvonya said...


Great work! I love your palette for these - it gives a very modernist feel. The third spread (Myths) is my favorite- the typefaces combined with the layout make it very elegant.

Pauline Gallimard said...

Oh where is the french text!
No just kidding! It's great!
One small thing: The use of the big letters or ponctuation is wonderful but don't always feels appropriatly chosen.
I'm very curious to see the printed version!

Yutt said...

Wow Wow Wow!!! Very stylist.
I think you know your self what you want to do such direction and your style. It can stop me to pay attention on it. I love second one (The Gods) and sixth one (Happiness) because both of them can help me understand what I have to look. For me I see the display side first and I can see variety style of this font that you put on it. Then I can take a look at body copy that can help me to see when this typeface is laid down as body copy.
If you want to develop this project more, you might think about the function such what and how you are going to use them as your personal reference typefaces. Lastly, you might play more some of these that I think a bit loose space (not unity)

Howard Myint said...

Nice colors and choice of typefaces. It makes me want to look at it and read more!